R-Point is a horror film directed and written by Su-chang Kong. The story was set on 1972 in Vietnam during the Vietnam War.
Timeline before the film are from 11 BCE to 939 CE when the Chinese soldiers killed many Vietnamese villagers. Their bodies where dump into the lake which was covered and erected with a temple in honor of the dead Vietnamese.
In Mid 20th Century, French Jacques and Paul with other French colonist stay on the island and settle in a plantation that were then killed at some point during the Indochina War.
In 1970, Some Americans were shot down in their helicopters over that island and killed. Battalion 53 goes missing somewhere on that island in 1972.
The movie then set in 1972 when a group of South Korean soldiers from battalion 53 wasn’t able to report back from that strategically important island during the Vietnam War. That island is 150 kilometers south of Saigon that is referred to as R-Point.
After being missing for six months, they were presumed dead until they receive a shortwave radio transmission from R- Point. It keeps repeating a message saying “Donkey 30, Long-Horned Beetle do you copy? Donkey 30, Long-horned Beetle, do you copy? We are dying…” that continues to transmit at irregular interval over the next three months.
The sole survivor of the team, LT Choi Tae-in insisted that he saw all of the men dying and that he was the one who collected their dog-tags but the HQ prompts to dispatch a search-and-rescue party to find the missing men. Just recovering for the hospital, LT Choi was sent to R-Point that is so called as the Bermuda triangle like area.
With the platoon of psychos, hicks and nuts, they went to discover the source of the signal.
The men then set to sail to the R-Point and took 2 photos of the expedition team after they dock upon their arrival. But after proceeding to the jungle not long after that, they were ambushed by the Vietcong. For 5 days, the motley crew digs up a mansion where they were shot by invincible Viet Cong. They later realize it was a haunted mansion by people who were massacred 100 years earlier by the Chinese.
One of the members goes down one by one… who will survive? Discover the mystery of R-Point!
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